Friday, April 15, 2011


What do you think of global warming?  This talk could be an excellent way to express being a disciple of Christ, that is, living against social norms.  Buying only organic clothing?  Driving not the fastest or most luxurious car but one that leaves a small carbon footprint? 


  1. In my speech class sophomore year, Brian Peterson gave a speech about how global warming was not caused by human. None of co2 produced by energy consumption, fuel burning, and electricity was a cause of greenhouse gas effect. Instead, he argued that the global warming was due to a natural "cycle" of earth's co2 gas fluctuation: co2 level decreased then increased then increased again. He even showed our class a graph of co2 level of past 800,000 years. Speaking with a logical scientific research, Brian was quite convincing. Since then I started to believe that the global warming will be "cured" naturally and our hot earth will be cooled again. However, today's speech given by a speaker from acespace completely changed my view on this issue. She not only grabbed my attention with shocking facts and great presentation, but also her animation was very visual and helpful. The funny part is that she had the same graph Brian Peterson illustrated few years ago. However, her graph was newly updated; according to her graph, co2 level has not decreased. Instead it is steadily increasing, and it started to worry me. I hate hot weather. Will I be able to survive next 20 years as the temperature is going to rise more and more? The answer, fortunately, she said was "yes," IF we do one thing at a time. DOT (do one thing) was the coolest yet the simplest concept I have ever seen. We just have to do one thing at a time. Dance clubs will have human powered energy source, we will join SAVE, and drink water using a water bottle instead of a plastic one. It is that simple, but if we all do it, it can make a huge difference. I was so inspired, i actually visited, the website she recommended, and it turns out there are THOUSANDS of ideas and ways to save this world from going to hot. I am so glad i do not have to die so young and be part of this great movement that can possibly save this planet forever.

  2. The speaker of Thursday talked about global warming. The part of her presentation that I most closely related to was her passion for getting involved and trying to get others involved. Her presentation was both informative, interesting, and was presented in a way that teenagers could relate too. She showed us different ways to get involved simply by doing things like unplugging electronics when we aren’t using them, not eating meat, and carpooling. DOT, Do One Thing; she showed us that one student doing these things is great but if we get a whole school choosing one of these things to do at a time it’s fantastic. We all have an opportunity to make a difference in our world, if we choose to continue on this destructive path our planets temperature will keep slowly increasing until the damage we are inflicting is irreversible. I couldn’t agree more with her, we need to get involved now and do little things to help repair the damages done our planet.

  3. The speaker Thursday brought up many good points regarding global warming and climate change. I had a basic understanding of global warming going into the presentation but left with a much greater understanding of the issue. I personally really liked the DOT (do one thing) solution to global warming. I believe that many people choose not to change their habits more eco-friendly one because they feel that they are one person and are too insignificant to make a difference, but the DOT solution involves an entire community, or essentially a group effort to help curb global warming. According to the DOT solution, people need to simply give up one habit they have that is harmful to the environment, which is easy, and makes something like solving global warming a less daunting task.

  4. Living against the social norms, as the prompt stated, does not have to be true of environmentalism. The speaker asked us to buy t shirts and clothing from "green" stores, and I feel like many people already do. Around Loyola, you can see many people's reusable water bottles touting recycle symbols.

  5. The talk we heard on Thursday given by the representative from ACE was both impressive and informative. I was given a more thorough understanding of global warming, and some strong evidence was presented as to just how dangerous it is if the earth’s temperature continues to rise. It has already risen 1.5 degrees, and the ice age, which covered the entire world with snow, was only 8 degrees colder than normal; if the temperature continues to rise as expected, we could have some serious issues. This evidence shows that we really need to do something about this problem because we have the power to lower our own carbon footprint. The new generation is the group that has really started facing this problem head on, with multiple organizations already in place. I think its important that we can get as many young people involved as we can, because we are the ones who will have to deal with the worst of this problem later. If each of us picks a DOT (do one thing), then we can begin to take steps to reduce this problem. As Nick said, some Loyola students have chosen their DOT to be the usage of a reusable water bottle, something so simple that can actually make a difference. There are so many other ways to help stop global warming, but many of us are unwilling to take these steps because it is either inconvenient or not in-style. The alternative lifestyle of buying only organic clothing or only supporting companies that don't do harm to the environment can be intimidating to think about, but it is worth it in the long run. We can start to get involved now because it is our responsibility to do what we can to protect life in this world, and one way we can do this is by getting involved in organizations such as the following:

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I was very impressed with the talk given by ACE. Not only was I educated on the serious issue of global warming, but I was driven to do something about it. The speaker, as many do not, related to the teen audience. As she said, we are the next generation and we need to make a change. She asked us to go out of our daily schedule to fix things that could make a big difference. For example, she suggested unplugging appliances after use, and to ride your bike instead of driving. These are very simple things, but most teenagers today simply go on with their day to day lives doing what everybody else is doing. Doing things that society is not used to doing, is being a disciple of Christ. For example, if everyone switched to hybrid cars, it would make a huge difference on the environment and your wallet. The society downfall would be that it would be "geeky" or unattractive. Step by step, we need to leave these norms behind and start with a new way of living life, as Jesus lead people into Christianity.

    I agree with Eileen that we have the power to change the current situation. The evidence is convincing enough to start a new revolution in changing the world. We can start little by choosing a Dot, which is a simple way to reduce your carbon footprint.

    To start my part of the movement to help the environment, I will ride my bike to work this summer. In towns like Vauban, Germany, the movement has already started.

  8. Though the cause or reason for the fluctuation in the world's environment is in dispute I believe that protecting the environment is a good thing to do regardless of what the motive is behind it. Though the speaker seemed to have a slather her words in liberal ignorance I believe that her message was one that we should all take a note of. A simple system like DOT in which everyone makes a small contribution is a good way of solving the world's issue. One of the biggest problems surrounding environment the is people who are so caught up on the cause of global warming that they don't take any steps towards helping a dilemma which should be solved despite the cause.

    And I agree with Claire's statement that the speaker on thursday talked about global warming... I hadn't really thought about it like that.

  9. Global warming has been an issue in which the majority of us have grown-up very well aware of. Not only the contemporaneous problem,but also the escalating patterns of the world's environment. Regrettably, although we are very well aware of ways to ameliorate this plight, we choose simply to assume that the problem will be inexplicably rectified. Now, i'm sure this is a statement many would like to quarrel, but the research shows for itself. I believe the point this speaker was striving to make (in the politest way possible), was facing the dismal truth that we do nothing, and that must change. Understandable, "you've heard it all before," well that's great. Now it's time to get off our "you know what's" and do something about it! better all get on that.. ASAP.

    @ Brian and Claire... I also agree that this was about global warming. Astute.

  10. I have had mixed opinions on global warming. The presentation we had was insightful, friendly and interactive. I actually listened to her and even picked a couple DOT's (do one thing) She is taking the lead and trying to help one step at a time by making others help one step at a time. My past experiences about environmental activists was not as good. I somewhat understand though what the speaker was getting at.

    @ Alex
    I do agree with you that the speaker was basically saying we do nothing about it. Because in retrospect we actually don't.
    We spend more time worrying about what prom dress we should buy and what we should do this weekend. Helping the environment normally doesn't cross my mind in the weekend. Yes. I do feel bad that I'm not an extreme animal rights activist or environmentalist, But also I am going to start and try to make a change in a not so dramatic way. My DOT's are to unplug outlets and recycle.

  11. global warming has come to be a big issue in todays world. everyone is obsebted with it, but but most people dont do anything about it. i thought that the presentation was good, but not great. they exagerated alot, but it was about stuff that acually happens but does not cause global warming that much like farting cows that bring methaine into the aztmosphere.overaall i thought that the presentaion would be not as good as it was. the speaker seemed liked she memorized the whole presentaion. the video kept the listeners intrigued which was definatles a good thing. people just need to realize that some things are acually happeneing, but not as much as all of the people who promote global warming to the extreme.

  12. Living against the social norms, as the prompt stated, does not have to be true of environmentalism. The speaker asked us to buy t shirts and clothing from "green" stores, and I feel like many people already do. Around Loyola, you can see many people's reusable water bottles touting recycle symbols. Also, we can make a difference by just using our influence. THe more that we as individuals wear those green labels or buy those green products, the more others will follow. I agree with Eileen that the DOT idea was a great one. It will promote the idea that we can make a difference without making a huge change in our everyday lives. Also, as Catholics, we should be seeking to help all creatures in the world out by being green. The video emphasized animals such as polar bears who would lose their habitats unless we changed the way we lived. So if we are following the Catholic teachings, it is our duty to be environmentally friendly.

  13. * the comment that said nick was mine on the wrong account, not nick peterson
